Contact us

All formal invitations, correspondence containing to the Association and complaints should be addressed to Maldon Carnival and sent to our honourable secretary.  This can be done via email (info[at] or by writing to the postal address on this page.

Procession: Christine: procession [at] | Tel: 07724 371 775

Safeguarding: Mrs L Hockton: safeguarding [ at]

PR / Press : press [at]

All other enquiries: info [at]

Write to Us:

30 Cherry Garden Road
Essex CM9 6ET

Directors : Mr K Howes, Mrs C Thomas, Mrs J Sjollema, Mrs L Hawkes.

Committee Members

Chairperson:  Mr K Howes

Vice-Chairperson: Mrs C Thomas

Honourable Secretary: Mrs J Sjollema

Finance Enquiries(Hon.Treasurer):

Procession Manager:  Mrs C Thomas

Court Manager: Mrs C Banks

Fundraising Officer: Mrs C Thomas

Stores Controller: Mrs Leansa Hawkes

Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer: Mrs L Hockton

Other Committee members

Mr Reece Dalsania and Ms Kate Stead